
雷辛芬格船长历险-The Paper

The ship bobbed along merrily.The octopus entertained the sailors with his exceptional juggling.But soon Raisinfingers saw a splash and a blur of movement in the water.“Someone is in distress!he cried.He waved...

刚刚读完这本They called us exceptional(.来自白昼的火树银花-微博

刚刚读完这本They called us exceptional(and other lies that raised us),觉得很好看,敏锐激烈和细腻感人共存,文字功底非常厉害,是美国出生的印度裔女作者Prachi Gupta写的自传。她原生家庭是某种理想典范.


53.exceptional adj.异常的,例外的 n.超常的学生 54.activist n.积极分子;激进主义分子 55.ape n.[脊椎]猿;猩猩;类人猿 v.模仿;仿效 56.digitalize vt.数字化;数位化 57.graphics n.(商业设计或插图中的)图形;图样,...

每天(大概)会分享运用chatGPT来生成的英语短文来背英语四级考单词 12-

In the field of(exceptional perception),one’s(reception)to new information can greatly impact their(discipline)and(occupation).A successful(occupant)of any field must attribute their success to hard work and ...


exceptional adj 杰出的;罕见的 excited adj 兴奋的;激动的 exciting adj 令人兴奋的;使人激动的 expansion n[C]&[U]扩大;扩张;扩充 exposure n[U]暴露;显露;[U]揭露;揭发 extend vt 伸开;伸出;vt&vi(使)延伸...


4.exceptional 卓越的,杰出的;异常的,罕见的 5.ubiquitous 普遍存在的,无所不在的 Sugar is ubiquitous in the diet.糖在饮食中到处可见。6.exempt 免除,豁免 v.South Carolina claimed the power to exempt its citizens...


Exceptional(优秀)Recommended(推荐)Meh(没劲)⛔️ Skip(跳过) 要想评价,直接在上面的四者当中选一个就好。如果一款游戏获得的某个评价足够多,它的名字后面还会出现相对应的 Emoji,只需要瞟一眼,就能明白其他 RAWG...




Leaders raise the performance bar every hire and promotion.They recognize exceptional talent,and willingly move them throughout the organization.Leaders develop leaders and take seriously their role in coaching...


very special→exceptional very strong→forceful very stupid→idiotic very sure→certain very sweet→thoughtful very talented→gifted very tall→towering very tasty→delicious very thirsty→parched very tight→...